Home Breaking News 5 Ways to Keep Your Knees Safe as You Grow Older

5 Ways to Keep Your Knees Safe as You Grow Older


In this article, Dr. Sandeep Singh, one of the best knee replacement specialists in Bhubaneswar talks about “5 Tips to Protect Your Knees As You Age”.

Dr. Sandeep Singh is one of the famous orthopedic doctors in Bhubaneswar. In addition to total and partial knee replacements, he has a special interest in robotic arthroplasty and lower limb sports injuries. 

His medical degree was awarded to him by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and his other specialties include providing patients with sports injuries and lower limb difficulties with a comprehensive, high-quality orthopedic remedy.

Now let’s dive deep into the article which talks about how to protect your knees.

Your knees hold a significant amount of weight as well as a significant amount of responsibility for your ability to move around successfully. 

They also contain a large number of moving parts, ranging from ligaments and cartilage to muscles and bones, all of which can be damaged by injury or the natural wear and tear of aging, making it difficult to remain active and take advantage of all that life has to offer, as well as to maintain good health.

Because Dr. Sandeep Singh from Bhubaneswar is a Knee replacement expert, he has provided the following recommendations to assist you in protecting your knee joints as you age:

1. Consume foods that are anti-inflammatory

Increased inflammation in your body can cause joint damage, and your daily diet has a huge impact on the amount of inflammation you have in your body.

When it comes to inflammation, processed foods, which are frequently manufactured with white flour and sugar, are a key contributor. Increased consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs can all lead to inflammation.

Try eating an anti-inflammatory, plant-based diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, some fish, and eight glasses of water each day. In addition to onions and garlic, shallots and leeks are some of the foods that are known to be anti-inflammatory.

In addition, UCLA researchers discovered that consuming a tiny amount of pomegranate juice every day can lower inflammation by 18% and joint discomfort by more than 60% in just three months. Pomegranate juice contains ellagic acid, which is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory compound.

2. Try different supplements

Your grandmother was correct in her decision to take cod liver oil. In one study, researchers discovered that taking a 1,000mg capsule of cod liver oil lowered dangerous enzymes that degrade cartilage in the joints in 86% of the study’s volunteers.

Cartilage plays a crucial role in preventing your bones from rubbing against one another, which could lead to the need for joint replacement in the future.

A different supplement, SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), has been demonstrated in several studies to be effective in reducing joint inflammation and, in some cases, even helping to rebuild cartilage. Diallyl disulfide, which is found in alliums such as onions and garlic, may also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric, sour cherry juice, bromelain (derived from pineapple), and Boswellia are examples of natural supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies.

3. Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly

Every time you stand or walk, the weight of your body puts pressure on your joints, particularly

your knees. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of causing cartilage degradation between your joints, which can result in joint discomfort and inflammation.

The pressure on your knee joints increases by around 4 kg for every extra 1 kg you weigh beyond the recommended weight.

If you are 10 kgs overweight, you are placing 40 kgs of additional pressure on your knees; however, if you are 50 kgs overweight, you are putting 200 kgs of additional pressure on your knees.

When you consider how much walking you do on a daily basis, it becomes clear why your knee joints are wearing down if you are overweight. Losing weight can be a crucial influence on the preservation of the knee joint.

4. Perform targeted exercises to increase muscular mass

Moderate exercise is a wonderful approach to help keep your knee joints in good working order. Increasing the strength of the muscles around your knees might assist to lessen the stress placed on your joints.

Your outer, middle, and inner thigh muscles, as well as your calf muscles, all contribute to the support of your knees.

The senior exercise sessions at your local gym may be taught by instructors who have received specialized training in working with men and women.

Water aerobics is a terrific approach to receive non-weight-bearing exercise as well as to burn calories. If you want to exercise on your own, consult with a trainer 

Request that your doctor evaluate your leg strength during your next physical examination. Physical therapy can help you strengthen your muscles if they are weak, and the therapist can also offer you effective exercises for your knees if you are experiencing problems with them.

5. Put on the proper shoes

Did you know that as you get older, the size of your feet may increase? Ensure that your shoes are not pinching your toes and that you have enough width across the top of your feet by checking your footwear.

Women who have worn high heels for a long period of time may begin to experience knee pain. When your heel is in the up position instead of the flat position, your quadriceps muscles have to work harder to keep your knees straight.

Your knees will thank you if you wear flat shoes all the time. Another suggestion: When possible, wear barefoot around the house and in public places. It helps to relieve stress on your knees.

If you’re experiencing knee pain, immobility, or osteoarthritis, call or book an appointment online with Bhubaneswar-based Dr. Sandeep Singh right away. He can help you.

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