Cracked heels not only look awkward but can also be painful if left untreated. It can also cause deep cracks, swelling and pain. Therefore, it is important to take care of your heels. For this you can try some home remedies.

4 easy home remedies to heal cracked heels
Rock Salt and Essential Oil

You can use rock salt and essential oils for your feet. Mixing rock salt with a few drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus or peppermint) in warm water can help keep your feet healthy.

lemon and sugar

This remedy can be done daily for 5 minutes. For this you will need half a slice of lemon and 3 spoons of sugar. Now dip the lemon in sugar and scrub the ankles daily till all the grains melt into the skin. Let it dry and clean with water

Sea Salt and Oatmeal Scrub

For this you will need 1 cup oatmeal, 100 ml almond oil, 100 grams sea salt, 100 grams honey, 100 grams rice powder, 10 drops juniper oil and 10 drops peppermint oil. Mix all these ingredients well and store in an air tight jar. Use a loofah and scrub your feet daily. This will not only help in removing dirt and grime but will also soften the dead skin and help in making the skin smooth and crack free.

apply aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel has anti bacterial properties. Aloe vera gel is used for many beauty benefits. You can also use aloe vera gel for cracked heels. For this, first clean your feet well and apply fresh aloe vera gel properly.

Disclaimer: This information has been written on the basis of Ayurvedic prescriptions. India TV does not confirm its success or its veracity. Be sure to consult a doctor before using them.